The best home exercise equipment to buy in 2022 – CNET [CNET]

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If you want to take up exercising, having gym equipment at home is a smart move. First, it’s harder to skip a workout when everything you need is in your house. You might even save money over a gym membership — while putting together a home gym may involve some big costs up front, it will likely be cheaper in the long run.

So, now that you’ve decided to work out from home, what fitness equipment is worth buying for your home exercise setup? The options are seemingly endless: high-end smart workout equipmentrowing machinestreadmills, cardio machines, squat racks, weight stacks, exercise balls, ellipticals — not to mention other home gym equipment options like resistance bandsweightsfoam rollersyoga mats, medicine balls, weight plates, dumbbells and kettlebells

No matter your fitness level or fitness goal, whether it’s to burn calorieslose weight, get your heart rate up, build muscle mass through strength training or just get healthier, we’ve got the best home exercise equipment you can buy.

For warmups and jump rope workouts

Qwesen Jump Rope


Jumping rope is a great workout for its range of motion, calories burned, weight loss and getting your heart rate up. This adjustable, tangle-resistant jump rope from Qwesen proves that cardio equipment as essential as a jump rope doesn’t have to be boring. 

Its foam handles offer a comfortable grip on the jump rope while its steel wire rope provides enough momentum for a steady, smooth rhythm — in turn, reviewers write that it’s great for double- and triple-jumping. The rope comes coated with PVC for protection, ensuring long-term cardio workout use. 

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