Save Hundreds Off Dreametech Robot Vacuums Using Our Exclusive Codes – CNET [CNET]

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Cleaning floors is nobody’s idea of a fun time, especially if you have pets and kids. Fur and other detritus have to go somewhere though, so why not pick up a fancy new robot vacuum that can do all of the work for you? Even better, choose one that empties itself and you won’t even have to worry about that, either.

Dreametech makes a couple of great self-emptying robot vacuums that sit right at the top of the lineup but they’re normally priced to match their abilities. However, if you order from Wellbots today you will get prices the likes of which we haven’t seen before. All you have to do is enter a discount code and you’re off to the races.

There are a couple of options available. The Dreametech L20 Ultra is one of them, and while it would normally sell for $1,499, you can pick one up today for just $1,019 when you enter the discount code CNETVAC180. Alternatively, the L10s Ultra is another option that’s heavily discounted — down to just $599 when you enter the code 20CNETDREAM at checkout. Both are useful additions to your cleaning arsenal, but the L20 Ultra is definitely the best of the best here.

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The Dreametech L20 Ultra has a lot of smarts under the hood, and that includes not only being able to map your house but also various objects around it. With up to 55 different objects it can detect, it can avoid furniture and other obstacles without constantly running into things and causing scuffs or getting stuck. It also has a very powerful 7000pa suction that works just as well on hard floors as it does on carpet, so if you have a mix of both, you’re in luck.

With a huge 6400mAh battery, this thing can last quite a while, and when it’s near the end of its battery life, it automatically routes itself back to the base station to charge. As you might have gleaned from the picture, the base station is also where the L20 Ultra goes to empty itself. While Dreametech suggests the base’s 3.2-liter bag can hold around 75 days’ worth of debris, that depends on how much dirt and dust you get.

Overall, it’s hard to beat the Dreamtech L20 Ultra when it comes to tech and vacuuming power, especially for the price it’s going for. Even so, it is a bit pricey, so if you’d like to see some alternatives, check out these other great robot vacuum deals. Be sure to check out the L10s Ultra if you’re looking to spend a little less, too.

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