Save 30% on Your CarShield Plan With This Exclusive CNET Coupon Deal – CNET [CNET]

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Snap up an extended warranty at CarShield at a discount and save on potential vehicle repair costs down the line.


The CNET commerce team scours the web for the best deals on computers, electronics, phones, gadgets and much more.

CarShield is one of the most popular options when it comes to picking up extended warranties for your vehicle. The company offers a variety of plan options, from Aluminum to Diamond, along with an option for motorcycle owners. CarShield’s prices are already some of the most affordable around but with our exclusive code, you can save an extra 30%. CNET readers get that huge discount by using code CNET during the checkout process.


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Save on your CarShield plan with this exclusive code for CNET readers. Just enter code CNET during checkout to get 30% off.

As one of the nation’s most trusted third-party warranty providers, CarShield stands out for its flexible and customizable protection plans. All plans include 24/7 roadside assistance, rental cars and courtesy tows. You can also opt for month-to-month contracts so you don’t need to worry about being locked into a huge commitment. And if you ever need to file a claim, your covered claims are paid directly to the repair facility of your choice. 

Looking for more discounts? CNET has the best deals from CarShield and many others, along with promo code offers — all updated and verified daily.

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