Halo 3 lets PC players finish the fight on July 14 – CNET [CNET]

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Halo 3 will finally make its PC debut on July 14 as part of the Halo: The Master Chief Collection. The 2007 classic originally released for the Xbox 360 console is the concluding chapter of the original Halo trilogy. The collection includes six games released over time, with each game polished specifically for play on modern PCs. 

If you buy the collection, you can already play the anniversary editions of the original Halo and Halo 2, in addition to the popular prequel Halo: Reach. After Halo 3, the Collection will round out with Halo 3: ODST — which tells a story happening at the same time as Halo 3 — and Halo 4

The Master Chief is the popular protagonist of most of the Halo games, including all three parts of the original trilogy. First developed by Bungie, all of the games in the series are renowned for their interesting story campaigns and competitive multiplayer modes. They are first-person shooters in which you battle aliens to save the world. The story campaigns are filled with deep sci-fi lore. 

On July 14, you’ll be able to buy Halo 3 or play it through Microsoft’s subscription service Xbox Game Pass for PC. The Collection costs $40 for all six games. The Xbox site hasn’t listed a price for buying Halo 3 individually yet. The other individual games in the collection each cost $10.