ChatGPT Rules the World… or, at Least, the Home [Hackaday]

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With all the hype about ChatGPT, it has to have crossed your mind: how can I make it control devices? On the utopia side, you could say, “Hey, ChatGPT, figure out what hours I’m usually home and set the thermostat higher when I am away.” On the dysfunctional side, the AI could lock you in your home and torment you like some horror movie. We aren’t to either extreme yet, but [Chris] couldn’t resist writing a ChatGPT plugin to control a Raspberry Pi. You can see a video of how it turned out below.

According to [Chris], writing a ChatGPT plugin is actually much simpler than you think. You can see in the video the AI can intuit what lights to turn on and off based on your activity, and, of course, many more things are possible. It can even detect snoring.

In a bit of self-referential work, ChatGPT actually wrote a good bit of the code required. Here’s the prompt:

Write me a Python Flask API to run on a Raspberry Pi and control some lights attached to GPIO pins.

I have the following lights:

Kitchen: pin 6
Bedroom: pin 13
Dining table: pin 19
Bathroom: pin 26
Lounge: pin 5

I want the following endpoints:

get lights - returns the list of lights along with their current state
post toggle_light - switches a light on or off

It also took the code and generated an OpenAPI file for it automatically. Pretty slick!

Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg of what you could do with a system like this. We are both excited and a little nervous about what will happen when AI takes over more real-world hardware.

As we’ve pointed out, ChatGPT is great for tedious programming tasks, but you do need to verify that it is getting things right. We aren’t going to be put out of work by AI — at least, not yet.