Best Robot Vacuum Deals: Save $250 on a Roomba i6, $121 on RoboVac 25C and More – CNET [CNET]

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Keeping the house clean can be a bit of a hassle, so there’s no reason to make it harder than it has to be. And taking vacuuming off the weekly chore list can make a big difference. Robot vacuums have come a long way since the first models hit shelves over two decades ago, and these days you’ll find models that range from simple and affordable to high-end models with features like laser navigation and mopping. And with such a huge market out there, you’ll have no problem finding one at a bargain, either. 

Read more: How to Set Up Your Home Before a Robot Vacuum Cleans So It Won’t Get Stuck

To get a sense of the best models on the market at the moment, you can check out our list of the best robot vacuums. Below, you’ll find the best deals available on some of our favorite models, as well as plenty of comparable models you can grab at a steep discount. We’ll keep updating this page as deals come and go, so check back often to be sure you’re getting the best value for your dollar.


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The RoboVac 25C made its way onto our list of the best robot vacuums for 2022 as our favorite budget option. And it’s an even better value when you can pick it up for 48% off the list price. It’s suitable for both carpet and hardwood floors, and boasts 1,500 Pascal of suction for thorough cleaning. While it doesn’t feature the floor-mapping capabilities of pricier models, it is equipped with drop-sensing technology and Wi-Fi connectivity so you can activate it through your phone or smart home hub. It can run for up to 100 minutes on a full charge, and will automatically return to its included charging base when low on power.


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Like the name suggests, this Bobsweep robot vacuum cleaner is designed specifically with pet hair in mind. It features a powerful main brush, as well as twin side brushes to clear out loose hairs from those hard-to-reach edges and corners. The high-efficiency filter traps harmful dust and allergens, and the removable dust bin is waterproof, which makes it easy to clean out. You can control it using the companion app, or with your voice with Google Assistant- and Amazon Alexa-enabled smart devices.


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While this Roborock S6 Pure might be a slight step down from the S7 that made our list of favorites for 2022, it offers many of the same features for nearly $300 less. It’s a combination mop and vacuum, and can perform both functions simultaneously for efficient cleaning. It uses laser navigation to generate a multifloor map of your home, allowing you to set custom cleaning schedules and no-go zones. It boasts an impressive 2,000Pa of suction, it can run for up to 3 hours on a single charge and the 180-milliliter water tank holds enough to mop an area of up to 1,610 square feet. Just be sure to activate the instant coupon on the product page to get the discount. 


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The S5 Max is another hybrid robot vacuum/mop. It uses lidar navigation to generate a multifloor map of your home for the most efficient cleaning route, so you can designate specific no-go and no-mopping zones. It produces 2,000Pa of suction and has automatic carpet detection for optimized cleaning on both carpeted and hardwood floors. It has a maximum runtime of up to 180 minutes, and at just 3.8 inches thick, it’s slim enough to clean under couches and beds, too.


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The Roomba i6 is exclusively a vacuum cleaner (no mopping function). It uses vSLAM navigation to generate a map of your home while it cleans and learns the most efficient cleaning route to save time and energy. You can’t set custom maps and schedules like with the Roborock S6, but you can use Google Assistant or Alexa via your phone or smart hub to give it specific commands such as “Clean under the kitchen table” to take care of messes in the moment. The major advantage of the Roomba i6 is that it comes with the Clean Base, which allows it to empty its own dustbin when full so you don’t have to worry about coming home to a house that’s only half clean.


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If you want the absolute best of the best (and have the money for it), the Deebot X1 Turbo is one of the most advanced robot vacuums you’ll find on sale right now. It boasts an impressive 5,000Pa of suction, and offers all of the smart capabilities of the models above, including scheduling, no-go zones and AI obstacle avoidance, plus more.

The X1 Turbo is also equipped with a built-in microphone that supports voice control without a smart hub or speaker, and allows two-way communication over livestream. Its air-dry feature helps speed up the drying process after mopping. And one of the biggest advantages is the advanced autocleaning station, which is included with this model. Not only does the station empty and recharge the X1 Turbo vacuum, but it features its own 4-liter water tank that refills the mopping reservoir for consistent cleaning without the hassle.