These sizzlin’ hot Valentine’s Day gifts are perfect for a home cook – CNET [CNET]

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If your Valentine shows love by making tasty food on the regular, send some back in the form of flashy new kitchen gear or refined ingredients for cooking. But don’t snatch up just any old skillet: Your special person deserves something equally special with which to slice, dice, simmer and sauté. 

The best Valentine’s Day gift for a home chef will be one they use, but you don’t have to go full-tilt utilitarian with your picks. Perhaps they own a chef’s knife they love but might appreciate a specialty blade to add to the collection. And a chef who is flush with gear will always appreciate fine ingredients like fresh pasta or good cuts of meat to turn out their next recipe. 

The best thing about buying for a person who loves to cook is the sheer volume of gift options you have, from the highly practical to the truly grand. We spend much of the year testing the latest kitchen tools, cookware releases and ingredients along with those time-tested staples that every chef should own. 

For Valentine’s Day, these are our top picks to gift someone who loves to cook.