The Tomorrow War review: Chris Pratt’s silly sci-fi flick is a good time (but a long time) – CNET [CNET]

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Pratt is an army vet and high school teacher who just wants to do proper science in a proper lab. He joins his loving family to watch the 2022 World Cup — for some reason; it feels more like some weird cross-promotion for Amazon’s soccer coverage than a thing an actual American family might do. But whatever, because a weird ball of light interrupts the match and spits out a platoon of heavily armed soldiers. “We are you,” the suspiciously youthful leader announces, “30 years in the future.”

It turns out humanity is fighting a war for survival, and not doing very well. Next thing you know, ordinary people from the present are being drafted to jump forward in time and fight the good fight against toothy monsters.

Now, if they know how the future’s gonna go, they can just stop the war before it begins, right? Not so fast, buddy. Like all time travel stories, there are rules, and the rules are that the writer really doesn’t want you asking questions. The first half hour of The Tomorrow War alternates between introducing Pratt’s family dynamics and ticking off all the obvious time travel questions, till a soldier in a briefing room basically looks down the camera and tells you to shut up and stop asking. Thankfully, they finally hand Pratt a gun, and it’s off to the races with assorted action set pieces and general widescreen carnage.