The Best TV Adaptations of Video Games, Ranked – CNET [CNET]

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Remember when movie adaptations of video games were universally terrible?

That’s a distant memory because, as a culture and a collective, we’ve seized upon a solution: TV shows. Ever since some bright spark decided to stop shoehorning 30-hour video games into a rigid three act structure, adaptations of classic video games have gone from strength to strength. Netflix, in particular, has had an incredible run, producing and streaming some truly incredible TV shows based on the video games we all love.

The Last of Us, currently airing on HBO, is a beneficiary of this transition and it looks like many more are on the way.

But, for now, here are some TV shows, based on video games, that you can watch right now.


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Arcane is loosely based on the lore of League of Legends, a competitive online multiplayer MOBA played obsessively by millions. It’s probably the last game you’d expect to see made into a TV show, but here we are.

Because Arcane doesn’t just exist — it rules. It was arguably the best show Netflix released in 2021. It has a gorgeous, completely unique aesthetic that elevates everything. It’s beautiful to look at, and the story also delivers in spades.

But yeah, a quick Trigger Warning: Imagine Dragons does feature heavily in the soundtrack. Don’t say I didn’t tell you.

Paramount Plus

Alright, hollup. Let me cook.

Yes, I get it. This new TV version of Halo dramatically diverges from video game’s relatively straightforward story. Yes, Master Chief takes his helmet off and that’s upsetting. But come on man… Halo was never The Last of Us. It was never going to hold up to straight forward adaptation.

I think what we get, ultimately, is a fairly solid sci-fi action show that I quite enjoyed watching. This one was renewed for a second season on Paramount, so we’ll be seeing more Halo on our TV screens quite shortly.

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