The Best Horror Movies on Prime Video – CNET [CNET]

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In the mood for a good fright? Whether you’re partial to demons or something more gory, there are plenty of spooky scenes to be seen over on Prime Video. Wait until nightfall, dim the lights, grab the popcorn and let the horror begin — if you’re brave enough, that is.

Check out some of Amazon Prime Video’s best horror offerings below.

Paramount Pictures/YouTube/CNET Screenshot

This coming-of-age black comedy contains surprisingly visceral pops of gore. Spontaneous follows Mara (Katherine Langford) and Dylan (Charlie Plummer), two teens who fall in love amid a terrifying ordeal: Their classmates begin exploding spontaneously, one by one, at any shocking moment. The inexplicable occurrences force the teens to put their worries about the future to one side and focus on living in and enjoying the moment. The high concept is handled logically and the romance never becomes cheesy. A clever, edgy and often funny excursion.

Paramount Pictures

A Quiet Place Part II (2021)

The sequel to John Krasinski’s runaway hit, A Quiet Place Part II revisits the Abbott family as they’re forced to leave their home and travel into the unknown. With a brand new baby in tow, the journey is perilous and tense, as younger members of the family have to step up and take the lead.

Paramount Pictures

World War Z explored the ramifications of a worldwide disease all the way back in 2013, but in this case the affliction turned sufferers into mindless zombies. Starring Brad Pitt as a former United Nations investigator Gerry Lane, the film follows the spread and potential cure of this widespread zombie plague.

Paramount Pictures

Following the story of Ichabod Crane and the Headless Horseman, Sleepy Hollow is Tim Burton’s take on a classic story. With the regular crew of Johnny Depp and Christina Ricci, there’s a wealth of star power behind this classic fantasy horror.

New World Pictures

Children of the Corn (1984)

It would just be wrong to have a horror film list without something inspired by the works of Stephen King. Children of the Corn is a slasher classic that features a bunch of creepy children carrying out the misdeeds and murders of a supernatural entity that has its grip on a small rural town. A classic for a reason.

Video screenshot by Amanda Kooser/CNET

Sometimes a comedy horror is exactly what you need — not too scary, but not too chill either. Sharknado is the perfect blend of absolute ridiculousness, spliced with a smidge of gore. In a world where you can sometimes feel like a small fish in a big pond, why not spend some time watching a bunch of sharks?

Well Go USA Entertainment

If you’re looking for a seriously impressive zombie film, look no further. Train To Busan is an action horror about a family stuck on a train amidst a horrifying zombie outbreak. Not only is it gripping and intense, it’s also surprisingly human for a movie about zombies. Well worth a watch!

Red Bank Films

One of the best-known horror films on this list, Carrie is a cult classic for a reason. Featuring Sissy Spacek, the film focuses on the trials of telekinetic teen Carrie as she goes up against a gaggle of cruel teenagers, growing pains and family conflict. It has since spurred a reboot and a musical, but nothing quite beats the original.


If you like your horror films interspersed with a bit of contemporary dance (and who wouldn’t!) then Suspiria is definitely the one for you. It tells the story of a supernatural dance academy run by a coven of witches, and features themes like motherhood, guilt and abuse of power. An homage to the original 1977 film, Suspiria stars Dakota Johnson and Tilda Swinton.


If psychological horror (and just a touch of gore) is right up your alley, consider checking out The Neon Demon. Starring Elle Fanning, Jena Malone and Keanu Reeves, the film follows an aspiring model (Fanning) as she tries to make her way in this cutthroat industry — at any cost.

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