The best hair growth products for 2021 – CNET [CNET]

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Growing out your hair takes a lot of patience. Something that can make the process less frustrating (and potentially speed things up) are special products that target hair growth. Whether you’re looking for a supplement, serum or other treatment, there are a lot of products out there to wade through that boost hair health or help target issues like hair loss or thinning. To help sift through the product options and find out what can actually help, I talked to dermatologists to find out what’s worth trying, and what you can skip. 

Sometimes issues like hair loss or thinning are related to underlying health issues, which is why you may want to consult a doctor first if you’re experiencing problems with hair loss. According to San Francisco based board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Caren Campbell there are many different types of hair loss, and identifying your type is the first step to getting proper treatment. “There are various forms of hair loss, some temporary, some slowly progressive and some permanent and scarring. If you know what type of hair loss you are experiencing you can best treat it,” says Campbell.

What causes hair loss or thinning hair?

Hair loss and thinning hair are complex — which is why you want to have a medical professional evaluate you to help figure out what the cause could be, or help you figure out appropriate treatment. According to Campbell, some forms of hair loss are related to autoimmune disease, which you want to rule out as well. Other potential culprits are medication-induced hair loss, anemia or thyroid problems. “Bottom line — there is not one catch-all treatment for all forms of hair loss. You need to first know what form of hair loss you have, what the cause might be and then treat it with that information,” says Campbell. 

“Depending on the type of hair loss you’re experiencing, [doctors] may be able to diagnose it by just your history and scalp/hair exam. However, they may recommend obtaining lab studies and/or a biopsy for additional information. Once you’ve obtained a diagnosis, you can narrow your treatment options to ingredients designed to specifically help your type of hair loss,” says Dr. Elyse Love, a New York City-based board-certified dermatologist. 

If you’re looking to get some extra help with growing out your hair, the products below are curated with expert input from dermatologists and based on research and reviews from online retailers like Sephora and Ulta. If you’re experiencing hair loss or thinning, remember to check with your doctor first, and once you’ve determined that over-the-counter products could help, the below options may help.