The Best Christmas Movies to Watch With Your Children – CNET [CNET]

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We’re finally in December and you know what that means: Christmas is just around the corner.

Because of this, we thought we’d get ahead of the game. These are our picks for the best Christmas movies for kids. 

A few points before we get stuck in: I absolutely hate when these lists feature incredibly old Christmas movies. Let’s be realistic here: Most young kids aren’t making it through the 1947 version of Miracle on 34th Street. I don’t care how good that movie is or how important, it’s just not happening, regardless of how much you want to force it. I also want this to be curated. This is a short list of movies, but they’re all good movies — bearable for you the adult, but fun enough for kids to enjoy. 

With that said, let’s start with the GOAT.


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TVC London

I feel like I’m breaking my own rule here. The Snowman is the oldest movie on this list — and I’m not sure it’s even technically a movie — but it is a masterpiece. There’s a haunting nostalgia to The Snowman, which is amplified by my growing up in the UK and therefore being forced to watch this over and over at school in the lead-up to Christmas holidays. I think it rules though, and I believe children should experience it. At least once.


The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)

I feel like any “best Christmas movies” list should have at least one Christmas Carol movie in it. If this was an adult list, I’d put Scrooged, but since this is for kids I’d say the best choice is The Muppet Christmas Carol. Mainly because Michael Caine plays Ebenezer Scrooge. 

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