Star Trek fan re-creates holodeck controls in Los Angeles public park – CNET [CNET]

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This Star Trek holodeck park prank is the work of set designer Arthur Chadwick.

Arthur Chadwick/Twitter

If you’re jogging around a public park in North Hollywood, California, you might stumble upon a Star Trek tribute that gives you false hope we’re all living in a virtual holodeck simulation.

Two nondescript metal towers often used for carrying power lines above the ground got a geeky makeover thanks to a Star Trek fan who decided to have a little fun. 

Set designer Arthur Chadwick transformed the metal pylons into Star Trek LCARS holodeck control panels from Star Trek: The Next Generation by having the designs printed onto vinyl stickers.

On Sunday, Chadwick tweeted pictures of the makeshift holodeck, “I fixed these pylons last week,” he wrote. “Apparently, it’s making people happy.” 

In the Star Trek series, the holodeck was a place on board the ship where crew members could engage with virtual reality environments to learn new skills, or just take a break from the pressures of work. Because anything was possible on the holodeck, it ended up being used as a plot device in numerous Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes. 

Sadly, the holodeck found in a public park in North Hollywood isn’t operational like the one on the USS Enterprise. 

The holodeck interface screen says, “Early C21 Outdoor, Los Angeles City Park, Survival Mode, VELDT, Variation 7.” According to Chadwick, VELDT is a nod to the short story called The Veldt by science fiction author and famous Los Angeles resident Ray Bradbury

Here’s a Google Maps link to the exact location in case you’d like to go find the holodeck control panels to take your own Star Trek selfies. Just remember, if you spot another Star Trek fan near the holodeck, follow social distancing protocols and perhaps say hello using Spock’s trusty Vulcan salute

Here are a couple of very happy Star Trek fans who discovered the holodeck over the weekend, including one who hoped its existence finally proved 2020 was a horrific virtual simulation on the USS Enterprise