See the ‘Stranger Things’ Kids Change From Season to Season – CNET [CNET]

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Stranger Things blasted onto Netflix in 2016, and viewers fell into the spell of 1980s Hawkins, Indiana, a town with ordinary kids and an extraordinary secret. The show became a huge hit, and the first episodes of its long-awaited fourth season are dropping on May 27, with more on July 1.

The show juggles a variety of different age groups. Adults like Police Chief Jim Hopper (David Harbour) and frazzled mom Joyce Byers (Winona Ryder) don’t change in appearance too much from year to year. But the two age groups of younger actors — especially the middle-schoolers — are changing fast. Millie Bobby Brown, who plays telekinetically powered Eleven, was herself just 11 when the show premiered. Now she’s 18, and dazzled fans in a striking black-and-white evening gown at the season 4 premiere on May 14. 

Flip through our gallery of images from the first four seasons to see how the main characters have grown up. No worries, the season 4 images don’t reveal any spoilers.

‘Stranger Things’ Stars Now and Then: Wow, They’ve Really Grown Up

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