Scientists discover a ‘hellish’ planet so hot it would vaporize most metals – CNET [CNET]

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TOI-1431b is one of the hottest planets ever discovered.

University of South Queensland

TOI-1431b, also known as MASCARA-5b, is a newly discovered planet located roughly 490 light years from earth. 

It’s big. Three times more massive than Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system. But that’s not the most interesting part of TOI-1431b, not even close. The most interesting part? TOI-1431b is hot. Ridiculously hot.

Discovered by a global team of astronomers, led by Astrophysicist Dr Brett Addison from the University of Southern Queensland’s Centre for Astrophysics in Toowoomba, TOI-1431b is so close to its bright star that it has an orbit time of two and a half days. That means its temperature is among the hottest every discovered.

“These types of exceptionally hot planets, known as ultra-hot Jupiters, are quite rare,” said Addison.

“This is a very hellish world – dayside temperature of about 3000K (approximately 2700oC) and nightside temperature approaching 2600K (approximately 2300oC) – no life could survive in its atmosphere. In fact, the planet’s nightside temperature is the second hottest ever measured!”

TOI-1431b was first spotted by NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). Following up, Addison spent collecting data using the Stellar Observation Network Group (SONG) telescope, located in the Canary Islands, to help confirm the planet’s existence. 

In addition to its size, tight orbit and overwhelmingly hot temperatures, TOI-1431b is relatively unique in its orbit. TOI-1431b orbits in retrograde, meaning that it’s tilted to the point where it rotates in the opposite direction to its star.

“The discovery presents a great opportunity,” said Addison, “to study the atmospheres of these planets to understand how they form and migrate.”