Reducing Seams In FDM Prints With Scarf Joint Seams [Hackaday]

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One unavoidable aspect of FDM 3D printing is that each layer consists out of one or more lines that have a beginning and an end. Where these join up, a seam is formed, which can be very noticeable if the same joint exists on successive layers. Taking a hint from woodworking, a possible solution is now being worked on that involves scarf joints. This research is covered by [Michael Laws] in a recent Teaching Tech video on YouTube, where he also details his own printing attempts with a custom 3D model, and a guide by [psiberfunk/Adam L].

The idea for a scarf joint was pitched practically simultaneously by [vgdh] on the PrusaSlicer GitHub, and [Noisyfox] on the OrcaSlicer GitHub. The basic idea follows the woodworking and metalworking version of a scarf joint, with the overlap between two discrete parts across two heavily tapered ends. As with the woodworking version, the FDM scarf joint is not a silver bullet, and with the under development OrcaSlicer builds a lot of the parameters are still being tweaked to optimize the result.

If it can be made to work, it could mean that scarf joints will soon be coming to an OrcaSlicer and PrusaSlicer release near you. Theoretically it should mean faster prints than with randomized seams as fewer print head adjustments are needed, and it may provide a smoother result. Definitely an interesting development that we hope to see come to fruition.