Prime Day 2021: Amazon Echo Alexa deals available now and coming soon – CNET [CNET]

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For fans of Amazon’s Alexa, Prime Day is one of the two best times of the year to add to your chorus of Amazon Echo devices. The other big price-slashing event — Black Friday/Cyber Monday — won’t pop off until November, so if you’re looking into expanding your menagerie of smart speakers and displays sooner than that, mark your calendar for Amazon Prime Day, June 21 and 22. 

Amazon has yet to release an Alexa crystal ball to show us exactly how low the retail behemoth plans to drop prices on Echo devices for Prime Day, so we’ve had to hack one together ourselves. To do that, we’ve taken what we’ve learned about how Amazon prices its listings, then made our best guess about what the lowest prices we can expect this year might be.

Keep in mind, these are educated guesses as to Prime Day prices (except where indicated), usually based on Black Friday sales or other sudden price drops over the last year or so. The “savings” listed are what you’d save by waiting for that suggested price drop versus buying now. 

Think of it this way: If shopping is a sport, and Prime Day its championship series, this is our version of the fantasy league. We’ve drafted a few players (the devices we hope to see go on sale for Prime Day) just to get the preseason started, but we won’t know the final score until the official game is played on June 21 and 22.