PlayStation Store sale: 5 great PS4 games under $20 – CNET [CNET]

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Who said you have to spend a lot to get a lot? The Under $20 sales that sometimes pop up on Sony’s PlayStation Store are fantastic opportunities to either replay old favorites or pickup games that you’ve missed over the years. 

One such sale kicked off on Aug. 19, and lasts up until Sept. 3. There are 327 items on sale, and it’s definitely worth browsing through it all on Sony’s site. But to save time, below are our picks of the standouts. 

FromSoftware It’s a stressful world out there right now — so why not relax with one of the hardest games out there? I kid. But Dark Souls, originally released in 2011, really did kick off a string of hugely demanding, difficult games, such that newer titles like Nioh are know as “Dark Souls but with X”. 

If you’ve not yet played this influential game, it’s $20 until Sept. 3.

Team Ninja That brings us quite nicely to Nioh. It’s a samurai slasher game made by Team Ninja and released to critical acclaim in 2017. The complete edition adds extra stages and weapons. It’s 63% off until Sept. 3. 


By now, you know what Assassin’s Creed is all about: An ancient society (Egypt, in this case), rubbing shoulders with (that is, committing crimes to and/or for) historical figures and exploring the old world. 

Assassin’s Creed Origins is almost three years old by now, but it’s also a huge game you can sink dozens and dozens (and dozens) of hours into. For $11.99, that’s not a bad deal. It’s also a solid warmup for ValhallaRead GameSpot’s Assassin’s Creed Origins review.


With Red Dead Redemption II two years old, and Grand Theft Auto V due for another re-release on the PS5 and Xbox Series X, the next big Rockstar blockbuster looks a few years off, at the very least. Which makes it a good time to look back on Bully, one of Rockstar’s most interesting projects ever. Originally released for the PS2, it’s kind of like Grand Theft Auto… but in high school. 

Warner Bros. Interactive

Batman Arkham Knight gets a bad rap. Arkham Asylum was a surprisingly great game, and its sequel, Arkham City, evolutionized the formula by expanding Batman’s world. Arkham Knight… added the Batmobile. Admittedly, not a huge leap forward from Arkham City. But Arkham Knight still has fantastic combat, a compelling story and a satisfyingly intense atmosphere. And, until Sept. 3, it’s just five bucks.