Pi Day through time: From Steph Curry to Linux to Einstein – CNET [CNET]

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1794: Cotton gin patent

1879: Albert Einstein's birth

1879: Albert Einstein’s birth

1883: The death of Karl Marx

1883: The death of Karl Marx

1885: 'The Mikado' opens

1888: Great Blizzard

1899: Zeppelin patent issued

1899: Zeppelin patent issued

German inventor Ferdinand von Zeppelin received a US patent for his “navigable balloon” on March 14, 1899. The early airship design patent describes a skeleton of tubes with an outer shell of silk or a similar material.

1900: US gold standard

1910: Lakeview gusher erupts

1910: Lakeview gusher erupts

1933: Michael Caine's birth

1933: Michael Caine’s birth

1948: Billy Crystal arrives

1948: Billy Crystal arrives

Long before “When Harry Met Sally” and “City Slickers,” actor and comedian Billy Crystal was born in New York City on March 14, 1948. Crystal has famously hosted the Academy Awards nine times, second only to Bob Hope.

1950: FBI's 10 Most Wanted list

1950: FBI’s 10 Most Wanted list

The FBI launched its infamous 10 Most Wanted list on March 14, 1950 as way to publicize fugitives from justice. This list came about during J. Edgar Hoover’s term as FBI director. Since it was created, 521 fugitives have graced the list, with 488 apprehended or located. 

1988: Stephen Curry is born

1988: Stephen Curry is born

Basketball great Stephen “Steph” Curry of the Golden State Warriors started off life on March 14, 1988 in Akron, Ohio. He was a first-round pic in the NBA draft in 2009 and has led his team to three championships while also picking up the NBA Most Valuable Player award in 2015 and 2016.

1994: Linux kernel 1.0.0

1995: 13 people in space

1995: 13 people in space

March 14, 1995 is a notable date in space history since it marks the first time 13 people found themselves in orbit at the same time. It took a combination of NASA space shuttle, Mir space station and Russian Soyuz spacecraft missions to get that many people in space simultaneously. This NASA photo shows the shuttle crew of seven astronauts from the STS-67 mission on board the Endeavour.

1997: Simone Biles' birth

1997: Simone Biles’ birth

2011: Tom Waits inducted into Hall of Fame

2011: Tom Waits inducted into Hall of Fame

Quirky musician Tom Waits joined the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on March 14, 2011, along with fellow inductees Alice Cooper, Darlene Love, Neil Diamond and Dr. John. The gruff-voiced songwriter’s first album came out in 1973, and his work has been covered by artists as diverse as Johnny Cash, Sarah MacLachlan and Rod Stewart.

2018: Stephen Hawking's death

2018: Stephen Hawking’s death

Celebrate with salty and sweet

Celebrate with salty and sweet

Now that you’ve traipsed through the history of previous Pi Days, it’s time to celebrate in 2021. March 14 also marks National Potato Chip Day, a food holiday with a murky provenance. But who cares about that when you can honor 3/14 and everybody’s favorite mathematical constant with a salty, crunchy snack? Just don’t forget to have a pun-tastic slice of pie for dessert.