One of our favorite treadmills is $1,200 off right now, a 42% discount – CNET [CNET]

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Sole Fitness

It’s a new year, which means that it’s time for another round of resolutions to get more exercise. Unfortunately, January is just about the worst time to start your fitness journey. Gyms are packed full, and for a large portion of the country it’s simply too cold for outside activities to be enjoyable. If you’re looking for an alternative, a home treadmill is a great way to work up a sweat, while also avoiding the crowds and the cold. Right now, you can grab the Sole Fitness F80, one of our favorite treadmills of the year, for $1,200 off its regular price. 

The Sole Fitness F80 is your at-home fitness solution. It features a 3.5 HP motor that delivers track speeds of up to 12 mph for challenging sprint and interval training, and has 15 different incline settings. Built to last with a lifetime warranty, the treadmill frame is made of high-grade welded steel and can support weights of up to 375 pounds. The cushioned deck helps reduce joint impact by up to 40%, which is great for extended workouts and quicker recoveries. It also comes equipped with Bluetooth-enabled speakers and a USB port to charge your device while working out. The treadmill also folds up for easy storage when you’re not using it.