
New Pokemon Snap is the most relaxing Nintendo Switch game since Animal Crossing – CNET [CNET]

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New Pokemon Snap

The hint is in the name: New Pokemon Snap is the long awaited sequel to N64 cult classic Pokemon Snap. Fans have clamored for a new Pokemon Snap for the last decade and, though there’s been 22 years and about 700 new Pokemon since the original’s release, the fundamentals of the game haven’t changed much. You’re inside a capsule vehicle that treks along a fixed path, you throw fruit, zoom in with a snazzy camera and take photos of Pokemon for a professor to evaluate. 

Like many gamers who intend to buy New Pokemon Snap on Friday, I played the original on the N64. My heart was excited for New Pokemon Snap, but my brain was weary. I had it all wrong. New Pokemon Snap is a reinvigorating vacation for your brain, one that works because it’s so full of heart. Remind you of anything? 

Despite being a sequel, New Pokemon Snap reminded me of a completely different game: Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The same Animal Crossing that became an unexpected phenomenon in 2020, selling over 30 million copies because it came along at the exact right time.

Like Animal Crossing, the appeal of New Pokemon Snap cannot be explained with words alone. Like Animal Crossing, New Pokemon Snap is more satisfying than it should be. Like Animal Crossing, New Pokemon Snap is just nice

Since its announcement last June, New Pokemon Snap has been subject to consternation among Pokemon fans. In 2021 the Pokemon Snap concept, viable as a full-priced game in 1999, feels like it would be more appropriate as a free-to-play iOS/Android title. How would developers Namco Bandai pad the game out enough to make it feel substantial, without stretching the concept thin?

Action in New Pokemon SnapEnlarge Image




The star rating divides different actions into different categories — it’s running in the one-star photo, listening in the two-star photo and so on. To complete the Photodex, you need to capture all Pokemon in four different states. 


Photodex for Grookey in New Pokemon Snap

Sometimes the difference can feel arbitrary. All four photos of Grookey are similar, yet all were classified differently by the algorithm.


That brings us to the real MVP of New Pokemon Snap: level design. It’s fantastic. Each stage is an intricately designed set piece. It’s not just that the game is often beautiful, it’s also effective at guiding your attention. Big, irresistible Pokemon shepherd your gaze from one area to the next, but the screen is often filled with multiple moments worthy of capture. On your third or fourth playthrough of a level, you’ll find that the same Pokemon you gawked at the first few times was merely a diversion and that an even better shot was to the side or behind you the whole time. 

To keep gameplay fresh, the level designs often change. All the points Professor Mirror gives you for capturing shots count toward leveling up each stage, and each new level-up brings new elements. That can be new Pokemon, the same Pokemon behaving differently or slightly different routes opening up. These changes sound small but, like changing the piece shapes on the same puzzle set, drastically change strategy. 

It’s not flawless. Systems don’t work perfectly, particularly the algorithms that determine points and star categories. The star rankings are specific to each Pokemon, so I often found what would be two-star activity for one species would be ranked differently for another. What’s more, I’d take several photos of the same Pokemon within the space of a second or two only to find that nearly identical shots would fall into different star categories. Meanwhile, the points system prioritizes the size of the Pokemon in the shot. That results in you getting more points for boring closeups than for fun shots taken from a slight distance: Sometimes it feels like your creativity is being stifled by the man — Professor Mirror, in this case. But these are technical imperfections that cause minor annoyance, not major frustration.