‘Mystery hut’ spotted by China’s Yutu-2 moon rover gets an explanation – CNET [CNET]

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The image that caught people’s attention last month.

CNSA/CLEP/Red circle by Amanda Kooser/CNET

The ultimate outcome of this adventure may seem like a disappointment, especially if you were hoping for something truly wild, like an alien outpost or an ancient monolith, but I’m actually happy. I got a lot of joy out of the speculation surrounding the original image. I was 99.9% sure it was a boulder and that the only real mystery was its size and shape. That it turned out to resemble a bunny is sweet as can be. 

Not to be lost in all this is the fact that the rover has been having quite a mission. It’s the first to explore the moon’s far side and it’s still rolling along three years after landing. Next up, it will check out the area around the jade rabbit rock and it should be able to get some even better images. We’ll see if it still looks like a bunny on closer scrutiny.