Minimalist 6502 System Uses a CPU and not Much Else [Hackaday]

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A breadboard with a few DIP chips

A central processing unit, or CPU, is the heart of any computer system. But it’s definitely not the only part: you also need RAM, ROM and at least some peripherals to turn it into a complete system that can actually do something useful. Modern microcontrollers typically have some or all of these functions integrated into a single chip, but classic CPUs don’t: they were meant to be placed on motherboards along with dozens of other chips. That’s why [c0pperdragon]’s latest project, the SingleBreadboardComputer, is such an amazing design: assisting its 6502 CPU are just four companion chips.

The entire system takes up just one strip of solderless breadboard. Next to the CPU we find 32 KB of SRAM, 32 KB of flash and a clock oscillator. The fifth chip is a 74HC00 quad two-input NAND gate, which is used as a very tiny piece of glue logic to connect everything together. Two of its NAND gates are used for address decoding logic, allowing either the ROM or RAM chip to be selected depending on the state of the CPU’s A15 line as well as blocking the RAM during the low phase of the system clock. The latter function is needed because the address lines are not guaranteed to be stable during the low phase and could cause writes to random memory locations.

The remaining two NAND gates are connected as an RS-flipflop in order to implement a serial output. This is needed because the CPU cannot keep its outputs in the same state for multiple clock cycles, which is required for a serial port. Instead, [c0pperdragon] uses the MLB pin, normally used to implement multiprocessor systems, to generate two-clock pulses, and stores the state in the flipflop for as long as needed. A few well-timed software routines can then be used to transmit and receive serial data without any further hardware.

Currently, the only software for this system is a simple demonstration that sends back data received on its serial port, but if you fancy a challenge you could write programs to do pretty much anything. You could probably find some inspiration in other minimalist 6502 boards, or projects that emulate a complete motherboard in an FPGA.