Memorial Day Furniture Sales: Save Hundreds on Top Brands, Bundles and More – CNET [CNET]

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$218 at Wayfair

The dark gray model of the Mercury Row Bowdoin upholstered wingback platform bed is displayed in a room at a resort.
Mercury Row Bowdoin upholstered wingback platform bed: $218

Save $502

If you’ve been considering upgrading your bedroom suite, overhauling your entertainment space with new seating or just upgrading a few pieces of new furniture around the house, now’s the time. Memorial Day weekend brings with it a ton of deals, and of the many discounts you can expect to see in the coming days, mattresses, major appliances and furniture top the list.

You don’t have to wait until Memorial Day weekend to shop incredible furniture sales. We’ve gathered some of the best deals we’ve seen so far and have highlighted them below. More deals are sure to drop as we move closer to the main event, and we’ll keep this page updated as new offers arrive. Keep checking back for the latest sales.  

Read more: Memorial Day Sales 2024: Everything You Need to Know, Plus Early Offers to Shop Now

Best early Memorial Day furniture sales 

Best early Memorial Day furniture deals

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This bed adds presence to a space while remaining simple and elegant. It lists for $720 in the dark gray, queen-size model, but it’s on sale right now for $218. There are other colors and sizes available, too, but your discount amount will vary accordingly.

When is the best time to buy furniture?

When it comes to furniture shopping, Memorial Day is the best time to buy, as you’ll find markdowns from many retailers competing for your holiday-shopping dollars. Whether you’re looking for furniture sets to redo an entire room, or a nice accent piece, furniture can be pricey. Sizable deals make Memorial Day weekend a great time to take the plunge and overhaul a room or even an entire house.

When is Memorial Day?

Memorial Day falls on the last Monday of May each year. For 2024, that means Memorial Day will fall on May 27. That said, plenty of early Memorial Day deals have already arrived at a number of retailers.