Leesa Sapira Chill Mattress Review: How Does It Compare to the Original Leesa Sapira? video – CNET [CNET]

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Leesa Sapira Chill Mattress Review: How Does It Compare to the Original Leesa Sapira?

Speaker 1: What’s the story with the brand new Lisa RA Chill hybrid mattress, and is it better than the baseline model of the Lisa ra? We’re going to talk about that stuff in today’s video. Hey, how’s it going? This is Owen. I’m a CNET and we have sort of a hybrid review slash comparison between the brand new Lisa RA Chill hybrid and the original Lisa RA hybrid. So Lisa’s come out with five [00:00:30] new mattresses in their mattress lineup, all of which have chill in the name. We’re going to be doing reviews of all of them, and we’re going to do a whole overview of these new bedroom, Lisa. But in today’s video, we really want to hone in on the superior because there’s a lot to talk about with this bed and how it’s different than the original superior hybrid. So there’ll be a lot of stuff linked down below in the description, including full written reviews and discounts. Speaker 1: So be sure to take a look down there and if you find this video helpful, interesting, give a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel. Let’s just do a brief rundown of the policy information for Lisa. It’s going to be the same [00:01:00] no matter which bed from Lisa you end up buying, if at all. You’re going to be getting free shipping and arrive in a box. The inboxing process is pretty quick and easy to do, so I wouldn’t worry about that, but I’m pretty sure you can pay up extra to get in-home setup. Once the bid arrives at your door, you get a trial period of a hundred nights, so you get a decently long time to sleep on the bed at home to determine if you like it or not. If you decide that you don’t within the trial period, you can return it and get a full refund, but these also are backed by 10 year warranties if you decide to keep them. Speaker 1: So that’s all the policy stuff. Let’s get into the more interesting stuff now and we’re going to start with [00:01:30] the construction and feel of the new Leases Pure Chill mattress and then get into how it’s different than the original Lisa Saira. So the first thing you’ll notice about the Lisa Saira Chill Mattress is it has a big prominent pillow top. Now, according to some reps we talked to at Lisa, they actually had many customers asking them to make a pillow top style mattress, and with this one and a lot of others, it seems like they delivered. So starting from the bottom you have a very thick layer of pocketed coils as the main support layer for the Superior Chill mattress in the center [00:02:00] Third of the mattress, these coils are actually going to be extra reinforced to give the bed a bit of a zone support design. Speaker 1: What it basically means is that the center third of the mattress is going to be a little bit firmer, give you a little bit more support to help keep your spine in a more neutral alignment no matter what position that you’re sleeping in. It’s a pretty nice feature to have, although it’s definitely not the most sophisticated zone support design you’ve ever seen. And then right above that you have a transition layer of a much more responsive foam. This is extremely common in most mattress designs. It’s really here to make sure you only feel the balance and support from the coils, not the coils themselves. [00:02:30] Then right above this transition layer, you have a layer of a more responsive memory foam to give it some extra pressure relief. Then you have two layers of primary comfort foams, which are just a more responsive, neutral feeling foam that don’t really share any characteristics of a classic memory foam. So the feel of this mattress is going to just add up to a more responsive pillow top feel, which is exactly what Lisa was going for with this bed. You do have that memory foam layer in the construction, but again, it’s really just there to add a bit of pressure Speaker 2: Leaf and you’re not really [00:03:00] going to feel that memory foam layer all that much. I think the vast majority of people who try out the Superior Chill hybrid will think it to be quite comfortable. A pellet top design like this is designed to appeal to a wide variety of sleepers out there, and I think it does that pretty successfully. If we move over to looking at the construction of the original superior mattress, you also have coils and then you have three layers of foam as opposed to four. So the mattress doesn’t feel quite as plush as the Superior Chill. I would say it doesn’t have a pillow top design either. I still think the original [00:03:30] version of Superior is going to be very comfortable for a lot of supers out there, just not as light and fluffy as say the superior chill with the PLO top. Speaker 2: And then both mattresses I think do a really solid job at temperature regulation, although I think the Superior Chill has a slight edge here. So if we’re looking at the top layer of foam on the original superior, it’s actually perforated with these holes in it, which does improve the breathability. However, the cover of the mattress is not actively cool to the touch like the cover you find on the Superior Chill. This cover isn’t going to be quite as cool to the touch as say [00:04:00] the Brooklyn Bedding Aurora Luxe, which is one of our favorite active cooling mattresses, but I think you will notice it and it should sleep slightly cooler than the original Saira, although I don’t think by all that much. Let’s move over to the subject of firmness now, and this is another area where the Superior Chill really differentiates itself from the original ura. Speaker 2: So when you’re checking out with the Superior Chill, you can actually pick and choose your firmness level and you have three different options to choose from. You have their plush model, their medium firm, and their firm. We tested the medium firm model and we found it to be around a [00:04:30] flat medium on our firma scale. So not quite a medium firm, and that is what Lisa says on their website, despite the fact that they call it a medium firm. So this one should work pretty well for pretty much all sleeper types, back, stomach, side and combination. The plush model on the other hand, based on what we’ve heard from Lisa and the other beds from Lisa that we’ve tested should be somewhere between a medium and a medium soft. So a bit more geared towards strict side sleepers. Then that firm model should be at that medium firm level, so a nice option for back and stomach sleepers. Speaker 2: So you [00:05:00] have pretty much all your bases covered with the superior Chill. I think most people will look at that medium firm model, especially for combination sleepers and couples. Now, if we’re looking at the baseline model of Elis Saira, you actually don’t get to pick and choose your firmness level. It comes in only one. And in our testing we found it to be right between a medium and a medium firm. So it’s still fairly accommodating, but it’s noticeably firmer than the medium firm model of the superior chill. So that one should work pretty well for most people, but you don’t have those specialized options like you find on [00:05:30] the chill version. So that is a pretty big point in the Chill version’s favor, in my opinion. On the subject of edge support and motion isolation, I think these two beds are virtually tied in these categories. I think the edge support on the original superior might be a hair stronger, but that’s not really going to move the needle for anybody. And I think the motion isolation on the superior chill is just a little bit better because there’s more foam layers between you and the coils. I don’t see the motion isolation as a reason to not get either one of these Speaker 3: Mattresses. Maybe if you’re an extremely light sleeper, you might want to look [00:06:00] into an all foam memory foam bed, but I think that’s a pretty rare case. Let’s move over to the subject of pricing now, and I’m actually pretty surprised how close together these two beds are on price. When comparing the MSPs for Queen sizes, you’re looking at around $2,150 for a queen size superior chill, and then at 2000 flat for a queen size ura. And then once we factor in discounts, the price gap shrinks even more. You’re looking at about $1,700 for a queen size URA and then 18 for a Superior chill. So only a hundred dollars price gap given [00:06:30] that the Superior Chill has a bit more features. You get to pick and choose your firmness level. It has more foams and it has a cooling cover. I expected that price gap to be a little bit bigger, but that’s what it is right now. Speaker 3: Prices are always subject to change though, so make sure you look down below in the description for what’s current on both of these beds. Given that this whole new chill lineup from Lisa is brand new, I could see their prices going up a little bit over time. So just make sure you look down there for what’s current. And that leaves us with the question, who should consider picking up the Lisa Superior Chill hybrid [00:07:00] for themselves, and is there a reason to get the original URA instead? And I think for most people, the Superior Chill is going to be a better option. You get to pick and choose a FIRMUS level, which I think is a really underrated feature. I think the firmest level of the original superior will work for most people, but having more specialized options available is always good. In my book, I think this bed also wins on the temperature regulation category, and you also get the zone support design with the price cap only being a hundred dollars right now, I think a lot of people are going to enjoy the Superior Chill, [00:07:30] and I don’t really see right now a super compelling reason to pick the original ura, although that is still a great mattress. Speaker 3: Don’t get me wrong, I think this one’s probably just a little bit better, but let’s know what you think. Rise Tambo in the comment section. We’d love to get your thoughts and again, tons of stuff in the description, so be sure to take a look down there, including those discounts I mentioned. If you found this video helpful, lot interesting, give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel. But that’s going to do it for me. This is own a Scene at Home. I’ll see you in the next one.