Hubble delivers glorious new Jupiter image starring the Great Red Spot – CNET [CNET]

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NASA and the European Space Agency.  

Scientists are particularly excited about a fast-moving new storm that erupted in mid-August. It shows up as a bright white area towards the upper left of the planet. NASA said “the timing of the Hubble observations is perfect for showing the structure in the wake of the disturbance, during the early stages of its evolution.”

If you look closely, you can also see Jupiter’s fascinating moon Europa in the dark off to the left. NASA is developing a mission to visit the icy world, which could be a prime spot to check for alien life.

Hubble’s Jupiter portrait highlights the planet’s most famous feature. “The iconic Great Red Spot, a storm big enough to swallow Earth, shows that it’s shrinking a little in the Hubble images, but it still dominates the entire southern atmosphere, plowing through the clouds like a cargo ship,” said NASA in a release on Thursday.   

Research shows the Great Red Spot is getting smaller, and the cause of the size change is unknown. Scientists still expect it will hang around for years, and hopefully for more Hubble portraits like this one. The space telescope has seen its share of technical glitches, but has never surrendered.

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