Has Splatoon Become Nintendo’s Best Multiplayer Franchise? [IGN]

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Sep 16, 2022 4:35 pm


Sep 16, 2022 4:35 pm

Splatoon 3 had a massive launch in Japan, selling 3.45 million units over the first three days. While we don’t have worldwide numbers, it’s got quite a gap to fill before hitting Mario Kart 8’s 50+ million lifetime sales. But Splatoon’s popularity is in no small part due to its quality — IGN gave it an 8. Quite a few of us on staff have picked it up and have been inking the competition daily.

Though it’s one of Nintendo’s newest franchises, it has been quickly swimming its way into the hearts of their fans. But some might argue that it still has a way to go before reaching the popularity level of the Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros franchises. Splatoon has also carved a space for itself in the competitive scene that Nintendo supports — So do you think Splatoon has become Nintendo’s best multiplayer franchise?

Have you dived into Splatoon 3 yet? How do you feel about its current offerings for maps, gear, weapons, etc.? Is Splatoon 3 a big enough update from Splatoon 2 to justify the sequel for you? How do you think it compares to Nintendo’s other multiplayer franchises? If you’re not a fan, what would the next Splatoon game have to do to win you over? Let us know in the comments.

Jada Griffin is IGN’s Community Lead. If she’s not engaging with users here, chances are she’s developing her own games, maxing the Luck stat in her favorite games, or challenging her D&D players with Intense combat or masterful puzzles. You can follow her on Twitter @Jada_Rina.

In This Article

Splatoon 3