Hackaday Prize 2023: PAROL6 – A GPL Desktop Robotic Arm [Hackaday]

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Parol 6 is a 3D-printed six-axis robot arm created by [Petar Crnjak] as a combination of the principles from a few previous projects. Aside from a pneumatic gripper, each axis is driven by a stepper motor, with at least a few of these axes being driven through a metal planetary gearbox for extra precision and torque.

From what we can glean from the work-in-progress documentation, there are some belt drives on four of the relevant axes and a mix of NEMA17 format steppers driving either 20:1 or 10:1 reduction boxes. There appears to be a mix of inductive sensors and traditional microswitches used, but it’s not so easy to work out where these are placed.

The controller PCB is a custom design based around the STM32F446 microcontroller, with modular drop-inearlier Open Source design, but also this interesting hack straight out of the junk bin.

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