Elon Musk coloring book lets you make art out of CEO’s weirdest tweets – CNET [CNET]

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A new level of Elon Musk love. 

Salina Gomez/Screenshot by Shelby Brown/CNET

Elon Musk’s Twitter feed is rarely dull. To be fair, the SpaceX CEO warned us long ago he is “always crazy on Twitter.” Followers have scratched their heads over tweets ranging from “Door hinge” to philosophical ponderings that life is a video game with a lengthy tutorial. And none of us can forget Musk’s meme battle with the Museum of English Rural Life

For fans of Musk’s rabbit hole of tweets, artist Salina Gomez, also known as Ill Ink, created a 52-page coloring book: The Illuminated Tweets of Elon Musk. The book, at 9 inches by 11 inches, is filled with Gomez’s drawings of Musk’s tweets from July 2016 through May 2020, translated into images.

You can order a copy of The Illuminated Tweets of Elon Musk for $30 on Gomez’s Kickstarter page. Gomez also sells other Musk artwork, like a poster inspired by the “Oh btw I’m building a cyborg dragon” tweet, and a hoodie inspired by the “SpaceX propulsion just achieved first firing of the Raptor interplanetary transport engine” tweet.


A page from Gomez’s coloring book.

Salina Gomez/Screenshot by Shelby Brown/CNET

“Musk’s Twitter feed, once I had found it, brought me a lot of joy,” Gomez wrote on her Kickstarter page. “I decided to take on the role of a gonzo editorial cartoonist reading the Musk Twitter Headlines, subjectively interpreting them in a whimsical, positive manner, all the while immersing myself in the Twitterverse experience.”

Some of Musk’s tweets have landed him in legal trouble. In a 2018 tweet, he called British cave diver Vernon Unsworth a “pedo guy,” which led to a defamation suit against Musk. (A jury found he didn’t defame Unsworth.) And a 2018 tweet in which Musk mused that he might take Tesla private led to the SEC filing a lawsuit against him. (It was later settled, and he had to pay $20 million.)

However, Gomez chose to focus on the weird and wacky tweets, not the legally questionable ones. “There were a few funny tweets I chose to draw along the way, too,” Gomez wrote. “I wanted to keep the book light-hearted. There is a page dedicated to a “Jupiter is big” tweet, which is literally just a huge drawing of Jupiter.”  

The Kickstarter page says the coloring book is gender neutral and is suitable for middle-grade kids, teens and adults. As always, please note that CNET’s reporting on crowdfunding campaigns is not an endorsement of the project or its creators. Before contributing to any campaign, read the crowdfunding site’s policies — in this case, Kickstarter — to find out your rights (and refund policies, or the lack thereof) before and after a campaign ends.