Bit-Serial CPU: Ultra-Tiny VHDL-Based CPU With Forth Interpreter [Hackaday]

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Soft cores for FPGAs come in many different flavors, covering a wide range of applications. The Bit-Serial CPU (bcpu) soft core presented by [Richard James Howe] is interesting for taking up just about the most minimal amount of resources (23 slices, 76 LUTs) while providing the means to run a Forth-based (eForth dialect) interpreter. To this CPU core a UART can be added (92 LUTs), as well as other peripherals.

As [Richard] states, the entire core with UART fits in 73 slices (220 LUTs) on a Spartan 6, while requiring a single port BRAM (block RAM). It features a 16-bit accumulator and lacks features such as interrupts, byte addressability and function calls, but those are not required to run the eForth interpreter. The main purpose of this soft core (other than the challenge) is to have a UART-programmable core that can be slotted in any FPGA design. For more serious requirements [Richard] also has the H2 SoC, which can run full-fat FORTH.

Being a bit-serial CPU, the bcpu is of course not particularly speedy, but that is the trade-off when going for maximum space savings. As noted in the project README’s ‘Use cases’, there are two use cases which the author had in mind. The first is as a CPU driving a software-defined, low baud-rate UART, the second as a controller for a VT100 terminal emulator. A VHDL test bench is provided, along with a C-based simulator, which require gforth and GHDL.

Image: Pedant01, CC BY-SA 3.0.