Best Gifts for the CrossFit Fan in Your Life – CNET [CNET]

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Getting the right gift for most athletic folks can be a challenge, but finding the best gift for that CrossFit-obsessed person in your life can be extra difficult. Most folks who are deep in the CrossFit game already have their ideal workout gear, potentially from brands you’ve never heard of. That’s OK. We’re here to help you impress your fitness-focused friends with some great ideas from our own shopping experiences. From budget-friendly items to higher-end fitness gear for tech-heads, this list is a CrossFitter’s dream. We’ve thought of everything, from workout recovery tools to equipment that will make your workouts even more challenging than they already are. 


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There are foam rollers, and then there are vibrating foam rollers. Hyperice is known for its vibration technology that’s supposed to improve flexibility, mobility, workout performance and workout recovery after exercise at the gym or a good WOD. For CrossFitters who always complain about soreness following training, the Vyper 3 may help with their workout recovery regimen.

Fit Radio

Forget Pandora. Fit Radio was made for fitness fiends. The next best thing to a good coach or a personal trainer, it features up-tempo, hard-hitting playlists designed to get people excited and improve workout performance. New playlists come out often in a variety of genres, such as pop, hip-hop, classic rock and hard rock, so every CrossFitter can enjoy their own version of hype music while training. You can purchase Fit Radio on a monthly subscription for $7.99 on the website, or prepay for a year for $59.99, which makes the most sense if you’re giving the subscription as a gift.


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GripTight / Amazon

CrossFit athletes love to video and share their WOD, especially when they’re going for a new personal best while lifting or engaging in fitness. And if they don’t already have a phone tripod, chances are they attempt to prop their phone up on stacks of weights, jerk blocks or barbell racks. Or they do some kind of sandwich thing: dumbbell, phone, dumbbell. This one small, inexpensive gadget can make that all so much easier and could turn out to be one of the best CrossFit gifts around.

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