6 Coping Strategies to Manage Depression Symptoms During the Holidays – CNET [CNET]

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It’s the most wonderful time of the year! For some, at least. The sights and sounds of the holidays are all around us, but if you’re feeling less than cheerful this holiday season, you’re not alone.

Sure, the holidays can be magical for many people. But the reality is, they are often accompanied by a couple of extra guests, and we aren’t just talking about your great aunt and uncle. Depression and stress may increase during times when we are over-obligated socially and financially. And what are the holidays if not a time to attend events you’d not normally attend and spend money you’d not normally spend? 

According to The National Alliance on Mental Illness, 64% of people with mental illness find that the holidays make their conditions worse. And that doesn’t even include people with undiagnosed mental illness. 

Here are some common signs of depression to be aware of during the holiday season:

  • Losing interest in things you used to enjoy

  • Feeling more fatigued than normal

  • Problems sleeping
  • Heightened anxiety
  • Loss of appetite
  • Sudden weight loss or weight gain

If you notice any of those symptoms popping up or just want to get ahead of them, here are some strategies to help you cope with the holiday blues. 

And for more tips to help combat holiday depression and stress, here are six practical strategies to manage stress this holiday season and breathing exercises to help relieve your stress

Strategies to cope with depression this holiday season

The World Health Organization reports that approximately 280 million people in the world have been diagnosed with depression. Although depression is common, it is a serious health condition that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Over 700,000 people die yearly from suicide, often resulting from depression. 

If you are feeling depressed or extra stressed this holiday season, there are ways to improve your mental health and still have a happy holiday. 

Acknowledge your symptoms

No one knows you better than you. Look for signs and symptoms that may be out of the norm. Here are some to look out for:

  • You are feeling more withdrawn than usual.

  • You are behaving more erratically or impulsively than usual. 

  • You are more irritable more often. 

  • You are feeling sad, lonely or hopeless. 

  • You are experiencing sleep disturbances. 

It’s always a good idea to pay attention to concerns expressed by close friends and family. If the people who love you are concerned about your mental health, they may be seeing symptoms of depression you aren’t aware of. 

If you are experiencing some or all of these symptoms, acknowledging that holiday stress or depression may be the cause will help you get on the path to feeling better. 

Give yourself some grace 

The holiday season is a time of showing kindness, generosity and compassion to others. So much so, perhaps, that you might be leaving yourself out. 

Giving yourself some grace can mean different things to different people, but the general idea behind it is self-compassion. Practice extending the same compassion you show to others, to yourself. For example, if your friend were feeling down during the holidays, what would you say to them? Now, imagine saying the same thing to yourself in that situation. 

It is OK if you can’t attend every party or simply don’t want to. It is OK if you don’t buy the most expensive gifts or any gifts at all. It is perfectly OK not to fit into the cultural norms that leave you feeling pressured, stressed or anxious. 

Keep your plans realistic

Depending on your situation, you may have invitations to multiple holiday parties with family, friends, work, church and other social groups. Or, you may have no invitations at all. Your self-worth is not dependent on the number of holiday events you attend this year. Accept only the invitations you wish to accept and avoid overscheduling.

Set a realistic budget for gift buying. This budget should not result in financial hardship or distress. It is okay to say “no” in instances where it is needed, such as a group gift where the shared cost is much too high for you. 

Sometimes the unrealistic expectations are those we set for others. Then, if they don’t quite muster up, we feel disappointed. Remember this holiday season to avoid setting expectations for others as this will help you to avoid disappointment, but it will also help your loved ones not to feel unnecessary pressure that may lead to their own holiday blues. 

Limit alcohol

Woman refusing wine from a friend.
Peter Cade/Getty Images

Holiday spirits are a common tradition whether it be at parties, sitting around with family and friends or going out to other events. Don’t be fooled into thinking the sometimes relaxing effects of alcohol override the negative effects. When too much is consumed, alcohol can quickly turn from relaxing to depressing. 

Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant and affects mood and behavior. Even after the alcohol is out of your system, hangovers are known to increase anxiety and stress levels. 

To reduce the negative effects of alcohol this holiday season, limit yourself to one to two drinks.

Special consideration should be given by your medical doctor before consuming alcohol while taking any prescribed antidepressants or antianxiety medications. 

Instead of a Christmas cocktail, try some happy foods this year to boost your mood.

Lean on your family and friends

Spending time with people you enjoy can be a wonderful mood booster. Being in the company of those we love can increase our feelings of acceptance, comfort and security. If you’ve got the holiday blues, it is OK to talk with your loved ones about it so they can show you the support you need. If they know what’s going on with you, they can be a better support system. 

Don’t be afraid to get help

When you’re showing signs of depression, help can come in several forms. But the most important thing to remember is never to be ashamed to ask for help. Whether it’s talking to a loved one, seeking help from a mental health professional or discussing medication or treatment options with a medical provider, it is important to get the help you need. 

If the holidays are difficult for you, you’re not alone. Depression and feelings of angst are common results of the overspending, overscheduling and loneliness that the holidays often bring. Let self-care and a stress-free life be the gifts you give yourself this holiday season. 

For more tips on improving your mental health, check out our tips on boosting productivity and how to declutter your life.

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.