2022 Supercon: More Talks, More Speakers! [Hackaday]

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Round two of the 2022 Supercon talks is out, and it’s another superb lineup. This round is full of high voltage, art, and science. If you’ve ever dreamed of starting up your own hacker company, making your own refrigerator, teaching your toaster to think, or just making your breath glow, then Supercon is where you want to be Nov. 4-6!

Supercon will sell out, so get your tickets now before it’s too late. And stay tuned for the next and final round of talk reveals next week! Plus the keynote speaker reveal. Plus workshops. Oh my.

Samy Kamkar
How to Make Your Breath Glow in a Wearable Glass Pendant 

Light! Physics! Fabrication! Let’s dive into producing glass pendant containing our glowing breath without LEDs: flex PCB design, lampworking, producing vacuum tubes, wearable tesla coils, oxygen extraction, and ionizing gases to view their pretty colors (emission spectra)!  All of this using low-cost/DIY equipment at home in the comfort of our favorite pajamas.

Sophy Wong
Beyond Technique: Artistic Wearable Technology

Sophy Wong is a designer and artist creating costumes and fashion infused with technology. To bring her designs to life, she combines hands-on apparel design with digital fabrication and experimental techniques. Sophy will share recently finished works, her processes for creating them, and her quest to go beyond technique to create artistic wearable tech.

Jay Bowles
Beyond engineering, and a dip into the Plasmaverse

Through a combination of on-stage demonstrations, and prerecorded videos, I plan to inspire as many people to build, create, and engineer. There will be high voltage, sparks, and as always, science.

Carrie Sundra
Manufacturing on a Shoestring Budget

This talk is for anyone considering manufacturing a hardware product on their own. I’ll go through all the steps needed to iterate from a first proof-of-concept, to successfully building your first 100 units.

Shawn Hymel
Hacking a Toaster with Machine Learning to Produce the Perfect Toast

Toasters usually rely on timers or bimetallic strips to control the toasting process. However, I decided to take this problem to the next (over-engineered) level using gas sensors and machine learning. Interestingly enough, estimating “time until burnt” proved to be an excellent example of predictive maintenance.

Alex Whittemore
Making sense of sensors: Grafana for Makers (and other assorted strategies)

Adafruit and Sparkfun have made hardware development so easy that the problem I always run into is how to make sense of the data your custom device generates. In this talk, I’ll go through data collection and visualization for makers, from simple to awesome.

Chris Combs
Art-World Compatibility Layer: How to Hang and Sell Your Blinky Goodness as Art

You’ve made something awesome! But could it live somewhere other than your Hall of Completed Projects? This talk covers the steps necessary to convert a cool blinky into saleable art: what art buyers expect, how to find shows, and how your glorious creation can survive years on somebody else’s wall.

Nat Galin
Galin Engine: Software is Eating the Internal Combustion Engine

We will explain how our solution allows for a viable realisation of the rotary vane engine, and how the architecture of the engine makes it ideally suited to producing electrical power (not mechanical shaft output) from hydrocarbons.

Haddington Dynamics
Getting Bought Without Selling your Soul

This panel discussion with the team from Haddington Dynamics, who made the 2018 Hackaday Prize winner Dexter, will highlight strategies to keep a hacker culture while being acquired.

Amitabh Shrivastava
Refrigediro- OpenSource Refrigeration Systems

It is surprisingly easy to solder copper tubes to a compressor and add refrigerant to make a refrigeration loop that produces frost in minutes! During this talk, I will not only explain the working principle behind refrigeration systems, but show how and why you might want to make one yourself.

Kuba Tyszko
Cracking encrypted software like it’s 1988

An illustrated approach to cracking encrypted software in various creative ways. As a bonus, the talk includes references to old computers

Alec Vercruysse
A Low-Cost, Underwater, Ultrasonic Phased Array Research Platform

This work presents an acoustic phased array that is open source and easy to modify. Most of the cost savings come from modifying off-the-shelf transducers for underwater use. The nine-element array is intended for marine biological research.

[If you read this far, you probably want tickets. Just sayin’.]